I'm so excited you're here! 2021 offers us all a fresh start after an incredibly difficult year. For the next five days, you'll find a new ready-to-use digital resource here, and a video guide to show you exactly how to use it.


Today we're talking about digital poetry kits, an easy win for connecting with your students and checking in on how they're doing. Today's kit relates to how they are feeling about school, and it's an ideal way to re-connect following this winter break. 


Below, you'll find a video to introduce you to creating digital poetry, and then the resource linked. 


This education-themed digital poetry kit is a great way to start a conversation with your students about how this school year is going for them and what they hope for in 2021. You might want to follow it up with having them choose one word for how they want to approach school (or life) in  2021 and write about how they want to live it out. Another idea would be to have them construct post-pandemic vision boards and then share them in a digital gallery. 

Tomorrow, we'll be diving into digital stations, so be sure to check your email! 


One quick thing before we go. You're going to see me repeatedly refer to the online design tool, Canva, as I share how I create digital resources. They have a free educator account available, and I couldn't recommend it more! If you love to make things beautiful, take a minute today to sign up.