Hexagonal thinking is not a one-and-done type of activity. As with other discussion methods, students will build their skills as they put this method into practice over and over. So just as I hope you encourage them to keep a growth mindset and work to improve their hexagonal thinking over time, I hope you'll do the same, tweaking the way you guide your students and help them excel with it as you build your own experience with the method.


In today's materials, you'll find three options for helping students see what they did well and what they might improve upon after a hexagonal thinking activity. I suggest you keep the focus on building their skills and improving their mindset as you get going with the method, saving rubrics and grades for later.  


Here are three types of post-activity reflection sheets. Two invite students to reflect on their work and how they can improve for the next time. You can then grade them on completion of this reflection as well as responding to their writing or presentation of connections. The third option builds in both reflection and a rubric for you to give them a grade in response to their work. This would be a good option for students who are more experienced with the method. 

As students participate in a hexagonal thinking activity, they are doing much more than making connections in a text. They are figuring out how to lead, how to navigate conflict, how to think creatively, how to back up their ideas when they meet opposition, how to stay focused without constant teacher intervention, how to overcome shyness or hesitancy in speaking a group, etc. 


Reflecting on the experience gives them a chance to process all of this. Consider letting students reference these reflection sheets before starting your next hexagonal thinking activity, and perhaps setting some personal goals for how to improve.


You made it through all five days! I hope you're excited to put all these resources into action.


Tomorrow, I'll be sharing the all-access page with you so you can  easily save all these materials in one place. Plus, I'll be extending a special invitation your way. So keep an eye on your inbox for one more day!